Purchase of Basic Ticket

It is still possible to purchase the Basic Ticket for the summer semester 2024, but please check beforehand whether there is still space in the courses you want. Please always use the same email address when contacting the ZHS - thank you!

The Basic-Ticket winter semester 2024/2025 can be purchased from 01st of October onwards.

Which Ticket do I need?

All university sports events                                                          - Basic-Ticket

Use of the fitness studio Campus Munich                                    - Basic-Ticket ;  introductory course and Ticket-F

Use of the climbing and bouldering facilities                                - Basic-Ticket;  climbing proof and Ticket-K

Use of bouldering facilities only                                                   - Basic-Ticket  and Ticket B

Use of the fitness studio in Freising                                            - Basic-Ticket and Ticket T

What requirements do I need to book a ticket?

The prerequisite for the F-Ticket is an F-Authorisation.
The F-Authorisation confirms the successful participation in an instruction course in the fitness studio. This course must be completed before booking the F-Ticket

The prerequisite for the K-Ticket is a K-Authorisation.
Options for obtaining this climbing authorisation are:

  1. Presentation of proof of successfully completed climbing course (Lead Climbing Course in the winter semester or Introductory Course in the summer semester) or climbing technique training at the ZHS or.
  2. Presentation of a certificate from another institution (DAV, commercial mountaineering school, climbing hall operator): not older than 4 years and minimum of 12 hours of climbing instruction or
  3. Presentation of the IG-Klettern climbing card with lead climbing authorisation or
  4. Presentation of the DAV climbing certificate for lead climbing or
  5. Presentation of a trainer's licence for sport climbing or alpine touring, candidate mountain guide, army mountain guide, state-certified mountain and ski guide, completed mountain rescue training.

ADVANCED climbers (i.e. persons with climbing experience) can acquire the climbing licence by successfully participating in an examination course.

Prerequisite for the B-ticket.
No further, instruction is given directly on site.

Prerequisite for the T-Ticket
No further

How much do the tickets cost?

New in the concept are the staggered climbing and bouldering tickets - for detailed information please click on the link mentioned below:

Ticket Basic Ticket Ticket-F Ticket-K Semester/Ticket-K  half time Ticket-B Semester/Ticket-B half time Ticket-T Freising
Students 12,- € 30,- € 100,- € / 50,- €

50,- € /25,- €

20,- €
Employess and other status groups 22,- € 30,- € 100,- € / 50,- € 50,- €/25,- € 20,- €

How long is my ticket valid?

A ticket is valid from purchase until the end of the respective semester and must be re-booked for each semester.

How does my booked ticket become visible?

After booking the ticket, the ZHS card must be validated for only those participants belonging to the special groups. The imprint of the booked ticket appears on the ZHS Card. 
All other groups are admitted via the course booking confirmation.