Opening Hours Office Freising
Zentraler Hochschulsport Freising / Landshut / Triesdorf
Administration Office Weihenstephan
Contact partner: Dr. Oliver Hein
Alte Akademie 1
Am Weihenstephaner Berg 13, Room 1.07
85354 Freising
Tel.: 08161 712 601
Office Hours: Monday noon/12 - 1pm and Thursday 3-4 pm and by appointment
ZHS-closing times Freising - winter semester
No university sports => at the Freising campus | => in external scholl gyms during the bavarian school holidays: 14.04.2025 - 25.04.2025 Easter holiday 1st of May and 29th of May 2025 bank holidays 9th of June - 21st of June 2025 Whitsun holiday | => in the pool of "Fresch Freising" |
Camerloher Gymnasium
Double Gym
Wippenhauser Str. 51
Fitness studio, Weihenstephaner Berg 13
Dance and gymnastics studio, Calisthenics Area, Weihenstephaner Berg 13
Seminarraum 8, Alte Akademie 8
"fresch"-Freising - Schwimmbad (Indoor/Outdoor Pool)
Rabenweg 20
SV Vötting-Weihenstephan e.V.
Gymnastics room; for tennis: courts 5 + 6
Bachstr. 17
Wirtschaftsschule (business school)
Wippenhauser Straße 62 (Triple Gym)
Agrarbildungszentrum, Am Lurzenhof 3, 84036 Landshut
- Sports hall ATTENTION!!! Still closed due to renovation.
- Beach volleyball court
- Football pitch
We now also use this sports hall for this purpose
- Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium: sports hall, access via Loretoweg
Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum, Schulstraße 3, 84036 Landshut
- Sports hall