Our Team

Five full-time department heads are responsible for the sports-related issues in mass sports. They are responsible for the conceptual and organisational supervision of the following areas: Ball & Game Sports, Mountain & Climbing Sports, Fitness & Health Sports, Martial Arts, Dance, Trend & Leisure Sports, Gymnastics & Athletics, Aquatics and Winter Sports. They are also responsible for the selection, professional supervision and further training of the more than 400 course instructors in order to ensure the high quality of our courses. Competitive sports are the responsibility of the ZHS management. The university sports locations in Freising and Landshut are supervised by another department head.

Management: Michael Hahn

  • Director of University Sports Center in Munich
  • Head of department SG for swimming

Division 1: Klaus Beer

Room no: 15213

  • Winter sports
  • Water sports 1 (canoe, rowing)
  • Gymnastics / track and field
  • Fitness & health (fitness studio)


Division 2: Thomas Plank

Room no: 15223

  • Climbing & mountain sports




Julius Braun

Room no: 15211

  • Operations manager for climbing and bouldering facilities




Division 3: Isabella Schmitt

Room no: 15216

  • Fitness
  • Dance
  • New & intramural sports  

Division 4: Tobias Borucker

Room no: 15214

  • Water sports 2 (sailing, surfing)
  • Swimming
  • Diving

Division 5: Ernst Thaler

Room no: 15214

  • Martial arts
  • BTA (Beach & Tennis)

Division 5: Andrea Winkler

Room no: 15214

  • Ball & Play Sports  

Division 6: Oliver Hein

Weihenstephaner Berg 13 (office in TuG), Freising

  • Freising
  • Landshut
  • Triesdorf

ZHS administration

Welcome to the Central University Sports Centre (ZHS)!
Our aim is to offer all students, staff and alumni a varied and high-quality sports programme. We firmly believe that sport and exercise not only contribute to physical health, but also provide an important balance to everyday academic and professional life.
The administration is the heart of the ZHS, where the threads for a smooth sports experience come together. We are a dedicated team of managers, event planners and administrative professionals who all have one thing in common: a passion for sport and the well-being of our sports community.
Our tasks include:
Course planning and organisation: we provide a wide range of sports courses and activities led by qualified instructors. From yoga and tennis to climbing courses - we have something to suit everyone's taste.
Event management: Whether sports tournaments, workshops or health-promoting events - we regularly organise events that strengthen the community and promote fun in sport.
Equipment maintenance: Our modern sports facilities and sports equipment are the flagship of the ZHS. We ensure that they are always in top condition and provide a safe and pleasant pleasant environment for all users.
Communication and service: We are in constant dialogue with our sports community. Whether in person, by email or via social media - we are always open to questions, suggestions and feedback.
Our administration is always endeavouring to improve and expand the services offered by the ZHS. We invite you to take a look around our homepage and find out more about our courses, events and conditions of participation.

Anahita Martirosjan

Director of administration 

Room no: 15222

Petra Hain

Room no: 15220

Ph: 089-289 24668

Tamara Kramheller

Room no: 15221

Ph. 089-289 24727

Sabine Weinrich

Room no: 15221

Ph. 089-289 24651

Tina Wörle

Room no: 15220
Ph: 089-289 24662

Torsten Hinzmann


Room no: 15221

Ph: 089-289 24729

Andreas Wischnewski

Manager of the equipment center

Ph: 089-289 24607




In charge of the equipment

Ph: 089-289 24718

Christiane Cunha

Receptionist at beach- and tennis courts

Ph: 089-351 91 88

Henning Hassler

Receptionist at beach- and tennis courts

Tel.: 089-351 91 88

Michael Schwarz

Receptionist at beach- and tennis courts

Tel.: 089-351 91 88